This ZIP contains the PDS/QBX version of an assembler routine to fix Currency variables at a given number of decimal places. It was inspired by a discussion on the Compuserve MSLANG forum. The VB version is in CFIXVB. The PDS version has ASM and OBJ files and a test QLB for PDS 7.1. The VB version has ASM, OBJ, and DLL files. If you want to modify the VB version, you'll need some way to make a DLL. If you have such a resource, you won't need any files other than the ones supplied... if you don't, there's no way we could provide enough files to help you. Don't hesitate to ask if you'd like help in building a DLL or adding this to your own DLL. Similar functions will also be available (with several hundred others) in versions of the MicroHelp Muscle libraries for QB/PDS and for Visual Basic. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Legalese: Written by Jim Mack, CIS 76630,2012, bix "jsmack" Copyright 1991, Editing Services Co. All rights reserved. Free for non-commercial use. Commercial rights freely granted on written request. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE SUB CurrFix (CurrVal@, ByVal Places%, ByVal Truncate%) Adjusts the passed Currency variable to remove one or more digits to the right of the decimal point. Floating point is avoided for maximum speed. If you're trying to maintain n-place values, you should call this routine after any operation which could add additional places, such as multiplying a currency value by a tax rate like 1.0525, when computing overtime wages, etc. CurrVal@ is directly modified, not returned as a function result. Places% may be 0 to 3 and will result in a value with the indicated number of digits beyond the decimal point. Other values are ingored with CurrVal@ left unchanged. If Truncate% is non-zero the excess places are simply removed, otherwise the value is rounded using traditional financial rounding (not IEEE rounding). This code performs roughly the equivalent of the following Basic code: CVal@ = INT((CVal@ * (10^n)) + .5) / (10^n) ----------------------------------------------------------------------